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Gospel Connection Ministry.


Jørgen & Merethe Iversen.

 Who are GCM - World Mission . . .

We live in the Northern part of Denmark. In September 2016, we got our calling from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Not long after we founded :  GCM - World Mission, since we go with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our first priority is to go out to the unsafe and next to the Kingdom of God, the Church. 
We work most in Africa :  in  Uganda - Kenya - Tanzania - Zambia - Rwanda
Over the time we have find out, we reach many more if we work together with local Churches & Ministries, so the new believers have a Church to go to, after we go.

Over the time many 10 thousands has hear the Gospel, more thousands has responded to the Gospel of salvation. Hundreds has been healed and delivered,  from spiritual bondages etc. Lame go & blind see - mute speak & deaf hear.

The latest I hear was so good :  More places we had been, some Revival has come, even few places, has build new bigger Churches, all the Glory to God. Amen.

Merethe & Jørgen Iversen.

Jørgen & Merethe Iversen is founder of :  Gospel Connection Ministry

We live in the northern part of Denmark, were I grow up. We have 4 children now, all is married and we have 10 Grandchildren, what a Blessing.


 Through the many years, I felt God give a call for Ministry. I began to follow an Evangelist many years ago now, but something happens in 2016. God gave us a call again, now the time is in, to start your own Ministry. The call I gave you many years ago, now is the time for you.                                           

Every time I went out to see, a lot of big crowds of unsafe people, come to the 

Lord of Jesus Christ for salvation.


But I has promised the Lord Jesus Christ from the beginning, I will never ever forget the small places of Churches . . . I had growing up in a small Church, there I had promise God, Lord if you can use me, I'm willing to go. Just now I see God use us, in what He told me many years ago. Now we see                                                              :  Lame go - Blind see & Mute speak - Deaf hear. 

All the Glory to God.


When we go out we go for  :  Crusades / Pastor - Leader Siminar / Conferences.