Calender 2024.     

Stand with us in Prayer for this Events.

 15  January.     Pastor, Dhan Lama. Nepal.    3th Global Mission Summit.  Online on Zoom.

 14 - 20  June.    
GCM Revival Tour go to BULGARIA.  South East Europe.   

 30  June.             Online on Zoom, Sunday Meeting in Lahore, Pakistan.   


                      Later this year 2024,  we plan a GCM - Europe Outreach with Revival -     

                                    Conference, in Bulgaria again and other places in Europe.            


                Stand with us in GCM - World Mission. Let's stand together to reach the lost, 

                them there not had heard about Jesus. 

                We have the call, it`s a possibility for us to go, we have a lot of invitations, BUT :               

                We in need of more SPONSERS . . . Can't you go, be a Soul Winner in GCM . . .

" How shall people hear about Jesus, if no one go "  ???

Contact  us for more info. Ev Jørgen Iversen.

More places waiting : 

Europe - Uganda-Kenya-Tanzania-Zambia-Rwanda-Nepal-India-Pakistan.

Calender 2023.
Stand with us in Prayer for this Events.

8 - 16.  February.   Kigali, Rwanda.   Outreach.

        5.  April.   Nepal, Asia.   Online Pastor / Leader Meetings.

11 - 24 April.   Kampala, Jinja, Uganda, Africa.   Outreach.


          3. May.   Nepal, Asia.   Online Bible - School.

          5. May.   Nepal, Asia.   Online Conference /  Crusade.

1 - 14.   Juni.   Mombasa, Kenya, Africa.   Crusade /. Conference.

8.   September.   Brønderslev Hallen, Denmark.   Gospel Event.

9.   September.   Pakistan.   Online Meeting.

16.   October.   International Online on Zoom.   ( Moment with God. )

20 - 23.   October.   Nigeria.   Spreak Online on Crusade.